General Instruction
Attendance : At least 90% attendance in each subject is compulsory to qualify for the final examinations. Students failing to maintain this attendance level will be penalized.
Identity Card : Students will get an identity card at the time of admission. They must keep it with them within the college campus. A lost identity card will be replaced by new one on payment of Rs. 100/-
general instruction
- Use of cell phone by the students inside the campus is banned.
- Gutka, tobacco and any intoxicated materials are strictly prohibited.
- Students are required to behave in a responsible and dignified way inside the campus of the college. Any unseemly behavior and undesirable habits will be severely dealt with. Repeated offence could lead to expulsion of the student from the college.
- Ragging is totally prohibited.
- ‘Students union’ will maintain the guidelines provided by the college Authority in discharging their duties.
If you are proud of your Junior College, the College is sure to be proud of you.
- Students admitted to the college must abide by the rules and regulations prescribed by the college authority from time to time. Violation of rules, unsatisfactory progress, irregular attendance, showing discourtesy to the teachers and the staff members in any form, adopting unfair means in the examinations etc. are some of the offences which may incur disciplinary actions like termination, no-award of college Diploma and even expulsion from the college.
- Students’ societies and associations shall be subject to such guidance and control as the college administration may prescribe from time to time.
- Only such societies and associations which have been recognized by the Principal shall have the facilities of the college premises.
- All notice desired to be pasted or circulated by the students anywhere in the college shall require prior approval of the Principal.
- All powers for maintaining discipline are vested on the Principal/H.O.I. and his decision shall be final in all such matters.
- Students have to be present in “FULL UNIFORM” in any function organized by the college.
- No students are allowed to keep the mobile phone.
- All forms of RAGGING in the college campus are prohibited. A strong disciplinary action, as the college authority thinks fit may be taken if anyone is found to be involved directly or indirectly in RAGGING.
- Students coming to the college for any official works during the college hours should be in full UNIFORM of the college, failing which no official works will be done.
- Students must speak English language in the college campus.
- Students must come to the college in neat and clean uniform. Else he / she is not allowed to attend in the classes.